Sunday, April 23, 2006

movin' right along

well, it's officially move-in week. Sivan and I have it all planned out...not that we expect that things will really go exactly according to how we want them to, but it's nice to think positively, no?

Tuesday - keys and buying cleaning supplies in the evening
Wednesday - more cleaning, and if need be, more cleaning
Thursday - exterminator (after all, it is an old apt in Tel Aviv, better to be on the safe side)
Friday - moving most of the stuff in -- maybe painting if really needed
Saturday - resting, at least a little bit, invite over people who are supposidly bringing us furniture/other things for the apartment (a garage buy, rather than garage sale, as my co-worker put it)
Sunday evening - trip to IKEA
Monday - depending on trip to IKEA, buying little or lots of furniture from south tel aviv

and then lots and lots of random trips to places to buy things we'll be a long process, but a fun one I's my first time getting to really decorate my own place!

since the last time I wrote...

this past Friday we walked around on rachov Hertzl in Tel Aviv where they sell lots of furniture (much of it on the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive and not even really my style kind of places) and we did manage to see some good deals on large dresser/closet type furniture, and some cute stores with fun accessories that we'll definitely come back for once we have a place to accessorize.

things otherwise have been going pretty well. This past weekend was very walking oriented -- lots of time with Tiferet and Sivan at Park H'yarkon, as well as walking around Namal Tel Aviv and the Dizengoff area of course. It's actually been quite warm out and last night was crazy weather with hot winds and sandstorms on the beaches in Tel Aviv. I've actually never even seen anything like it before here, and I think everyone was a little shocked.

I know Tel Aviv is not a big city, but i'm still always surprised at how often I run into someone I know, considering I don't really know that many people. Just this weekend I ran into my co-worker in the morning on Friday, then later that day I saw a couple that I met at Eyal's birthday party, then on Saturday I ran into Eyal's crew from Petach Tikva who I've known forever at this club/bar place in south Tel Aviv (I think it was called Blend but i don't remember). Well, it is a nice feeling -- makes me wonder what it will be like once I actually LIVE in Tel a good way.

Pesach, derech agav (by the way) was very nice here, especially having the time off to hang out and relax. although two less than great things resulted: 1) It made me really miss all the little things that happen at Pesach in CT -- quirks that just won't exist anywhere else and can't be replicated and 2) it makes getting back into the full week of work schedule pretty difficult. what can i say, i'm too busy daydreaming and thinking about the apartment to-do lists to really pay attention despite having quite a bit to do at work now...anyone want to provide some motivational thoughts? you know you do... knowing me i'll end up consulting for some words of wisdom.

lucky for me, i am taking this wednesday off to clean the apartment (which will be much harder than being at work, but FOR SURE more fun -- i even made a "cleaning mix" to blast on my iPod during the day) and then next week on Wednesday we have the day off for Yom Hatzma'ut (independence day). sweet. I'm actually really psyched to be here for it, I've always heard about fun parties and such in Tel Aviv, and now I'll be able to wander and enjoy and at the end of the night (morning?) come back to my very own place in the city.

que mas? Oh yeah, Riki is due this week so I keep checking my phone all day making sure there aren't any missed's a matter of days (maybe hours!?) till "schnitzel" will have a real name and a little doll face to match :-)

ahhh, i'm tiiiired. i should be wise and go to bed considering this week is going to be pretty nuts and tiring. the key words in that sentence being "should be." I think the next time I post I'll probably have pictures to post from the new place -- even if it's just gross horrible shots of sivan and i scrubbing the bathroom floor or something :-P Sounds enticing, doesn't it? I thought so as well.

tov...until next time...yala, bye.



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