Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What's cookin'

Since my last post I can't say that all that much has happened...although most of what has includes both food and friends :-)

Last Thursday night Gali and I made a Mexican (well, Tex-Mex really) style dinner for us, Eyal and some of his local crew. I have to say, we really went all out...Sangria/Coronas, nachos, chicken and beef fajitas, guacamole, refried beans, salsa, rice, and black beans. We also has salad and a strawberry/ice cream dessert that I was too full to eat more than a couple bites of. But everything was really great (yes, I'm complimenting myself) and it was great fun to be cooking again.

Then, on Friday night, after arriving at Roie's, I made vegetable soup and we brought that, along with some Thai noodles Roie whipped up, to Noa and Liz's new place at Ein Hashofet. Liz made her famous goat cheese macaroni & cheese and we had all of that along with wine :-) They set up their room rully nice with candles and a tablecloth and we had a lovely shabbat dinner. I stayed over and had a lazy Saturday with Liz in Noa, consisting mostly of staying in bed, eating chocolate and talking about boys. Doesn't get much better than that does it?

Anywayz...things at work are busybusy but good. I am feeling more and more like I am in the right place work-wise and like the people here a lot. Now that it's officially March I'm starting to count the days until my mom gets here! (we're currently at 19) The apt hunt continues and I am not-so-secretly hoping that I manage to find something before she comes just because it's such a pain to go see apartments when I'd rather be doing stuff I consider way more fun while she's here...but either way it'll be great. Hopefully I can even take off a little bit of time at work -- just half days or something. we'll see.

ok, enough rambling for now. ciaoooo.....

p.s. pictures and such will be up soon, PROMISE!



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