Thursday, February 16, 2006

the wonderful world of text messaging

So I'm not sure why I hadn't really thought of it until a couple days ago, but Dianna and I are now conversing via sms, which is so so nice. Yes, it's slightly more expensive than email (free) but definitely cheaper than calling (have yet to find really good rates). And beyond that i just really like sms. Yes, it's true that it's nice to disconnect from everything once in a while and just enjoy the surroundings. But that's why the phone has an on/off button, you know? But how fun is it that I can get text messages from Morogoro, Tanzania?? :-)

I'd like to give a shout-out to my sister who is currently working her ass off -- and essentially has been for the last two years -- with her doctorate program. YOU CAN DO IT! And knowing her, she'll finish it all with about 9 and a half seconds to spare, but having completed a flawless work of art...or psychology, rather.

I'm going to the kibbutz this evening to visit, which should be fun. It'll be my first time there without any of my Ulpan buddies, and I'll probably see people walking in and out of our old rooms, which is always odd -- kind of like being in an old dorm room at college and realizing that the whole experience and atmosphere left when you did and someone has since replaced it with their own version of Room Blah blah blah, Such-and-such Hall. But in any case I'm excited to go back and see both Tzofit and Roie and perhaps my old boss and co-workers in the laundry room.

Enzywayz...I saw a great apt the other night on the corner of Dizengoff and Jabotinsky...keep your fingers crossed people! The guy wasn't sure if his sister is going to move in with him, so if that doesn't happen and they are offering it, hopefully I will be the one they choose to move in! I'll keep you posted.

Work continues to go well. I have a good amount of things on my to-do list all the time, so the time goes by rather quickly and I am learning a good deal about this world of venture capital. It doesn't hurt that the view outside is beautiful (most days) and my co-workers send me funny forwards to help ourselves procrastinate :-P

There are so many new cds coming out in the near future that i want...Tower Records, you and I are going to have some quality time together...I can feel it... and Sara Bareilles has started (finally) recording her next album which i am so so so excited for. She also has a blog I realized, and I have to say, her writing style is quite entertaining. Check her/it out if you want:

Ok, time to get back to work. I also have to work with Riki to find a fun place for me and the family to all spend the weekend together when my mom is here (a birthday bash of sorts). Probably at a kibbutz somewhere in the North. we'll see.

להיתראות :-)



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