Tuesday, September 20, 2005

it's been a while

welllll...hello. things have been going quite well, and I haven't had much time to blog these days, but I thought I would just comment on a few of the cool things in life:

1) I was in Ramat H'Golan (in the northern area of Israel) for a trip with the Ulpan and REALLY enjoyed it. We went to a river called Zevitan and swam in a couple of the "pools" along the way. Basically, this country is just amazing. I'm going to make an album with some pictures in the near future and don't worry, I'll make sure to get the link up here as well.

2) time is FLYING by. It's september 19th. how the hell did that happen?

3) there was concert a couple weeks ago at the kibbutz with a group called Shotey H'nevuah -- funky mix of reggae, punk, techno and lots of other stuff. Really amazing. I would suggest a cd, but honestly I wasn't all that into them until I saw them in concert...it's just on of those kids of bands where the cd will never live up to them live.

4) my plan was to write a relatively long and informative blog but I'm currently getting eaten alive by mosquitoes...so that's that.

lilah tov.



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