Tuesday, August 23, 2005


So the title of this post is Lirison because Iris and I have officially started scaring each other by the fact that we say and do things at the exact same time after living together for only 3 weeks-ish. Granted, during those three weeks we are together EVERY DAY ALL THE TIME, but that being said, there's really no rhyme or reason for the way that we randomly turn to eachother and spit out the exact same unrelated anecdote...in a good way. We are both quite amused by it and I have to say that I would much rather this extreme than the other -- being polar opposites.

Enzywayz, today Lirison woke up nice and early per usual and spent the first two and half hours of work trying to keep our eyes open. After breakfast the world seems much more bearable and the last half of work went by pretty quickly. Class was class -- we had the other of our two teachers today, Tzipi, and besides being 55ish and looking 35ish, she has a knack for making the time pass quickly and making sure we use important slang (today was "al ha'panim" which literally means "on the face" but is used in reference to things that went really badly or were a total waste of time --- a good example was the movie we watched last night, "Hackers" --- I haven't seen a movie that bad in a while...).

Lirison then took a nap that lasted a little too long and now it's about time for dinner. After that, we'll see. Perhaps some quality time in the "ghetto" -- a less than wonderful living quarters area of the kibbutz and the home of some our our buddies here.

As usual, nothing to exciting to report and if people actually read all of this...well, I would say that I'll do my best to be more interesting but the truth is that life here is pretty relaxed and excitement comes in the form of good watermelon at lunch or a game of beach volleyball -- both highly appreciated in my life.

Ciao people. I'm going to actually send out this link now so that maybe people post and say hello in some form or another.

-the Liron part of Lirison (Iris is probably still making her way out bed from our early evening siesta)



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