Monday, August 29, 2005

movie day

halo halo,

Life is good. Yesterday after work Noa and Iris and I set out for one of the malls in Haifa. We bummed around for a while, I almost bought a lot of things (mostly movies and music of course) but in the end I decided to wait and see what cds i REALLY want...we all know I could very easily throw away my life savings in the span of 10 minutes without really even trying...mmm, music. Speaking of which, Shotey Hanevuah is coming to the kibbutz in a week and half which is awesome! Good times. It was really nice to get out yesterday and we all really enjoyed taking our time eating dinner and walking around without purpose for a few hours. I think most of the things we saw we decided we could probably buy in a shook for a lot cheaper, so we'll see how that works out.

Today was quite a good one: First we watched "Ha'cochavim shel Shlomi" (Bonjour Misour Shlomi in English) instead of class, and then work which went buy relatively quickly, then a LONG nap, then we watched "Sof Ha'Olam Smola" (Turn Left at the End of the World) and now I'm here. So most of my hours of being awake today have been in the movie theatre here it seems. In a good way. I've seen both of these movies before, and really like both of them, so it was really nice to see them both again.

I promise to have a few albums of pictures up soon -- it's a process to organize them all and since I put all of the pictures from Noa, Iris and Aviva on my computer as well, I have a lot to choose from! so soon you will all see everything that I see around here :-) Although I have to take pictures of the cactus garden, it's absolutely amazing.

How August flew by, eh? Kashe L'hamin (It's hard to believe). Amitai's friend Roee is coming on Thursday and I'm psyched to meet him. Although I think he might be living in the room of one of the bombachim, Ichyav, who is leaving tonight (sad). But at least I'll have a new friend in the "ghetto" to visit. :-)

Ok, more on life and such later (tomorrow maybe).




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