Wednesday, September 06, 2006

i know, i know...

what's my excuse this time? yeah. i don't have one really. sorry.

after some comments on how i don't really update my blog (ahem...idan) -- which i haven't in a while, i know -- i realized that i always sort of think about doing it, realize there's not too much NEWS in my life, and move on. Sure, the people that I talk to on a daily basis always have some sort of rambling to listen to about the latest nonesense going through my head, but I guess it's about time I start putting the title of this blog to work...

on that note (laaa!) the latest "deep thoughts" by yours truly
1) I am very spoiled and my currently nonfunctional iPod and laptop is driving me rather nuts. mostly the iPod because who am I kidding, I spend way more hours than necessary in front of a computer every day... but no music while walking around tel aviv? NOT OK. hopefully it's fixable. if not, at least in a couple weeks i will be home and will pick up the nano i got as a gift from my favorite previously-worked-for-Apple-South-American-Traveler ;-)

2) I got text message from a boy i went on a not-so-successful date with saying he doesn't think it's going to work out (clearly) but that he'd like to keep in touch... I haven't decided how i feel about this. While I am not interested in him in terms of a romantic relationship, i guess it can't hurt to have another friend in tel aviv? i don't know. what can i say, this whole dating world still feels sort of new and different to me and i haven't quite figured out my place in it...

3) I got to have lunch and hang out with Liz yesterday before she goes to the army next week. CRAZY. I remember her first getting the letter saying she would be called on the 11th of September... and that felt soooo far away. I'm sorry but Madonna is so very very wrong. Time does NOT go by so (so) slowly (slowly).

4) I'm so ready for vacation...and to see my fammmilllyyyyyy!!! and then my parents come here a week after i come back. and get to see my fun little tel aviv apartment and neighborhood.

5) this friday is my first wedding in Israel. My co-worker Gili is getting married in Mitzpeh Modi'in. should be fun. although interesting to see all my co-workers (yes, all 6 or 7 of them) in a social setting. although possibly less ackward than the Ivri Lider concert at which I was trying my hardest to not to freak out (in a good way) and jump all over the place.

ok. back to work. more soon. and i'm not sure saying that (although at this point why would you believe me... :-P)



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